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Renegating the promises thee made,
That we would share the nostalgic December,
that together we share the early Sun laced in myst.
remind me of the destituency long I have
And the Decembers lost between us.
Lost in the high tide of emotions we had
Reminds me of the nightmares the lost months had brought,
The emptiness in nights and darkness in days,
And the lonliness nurtured by rains and woods.
Roaming in desert is the mind I lost,
Hidden in the scorching Sun is the breath taken away,
Standstill are the dreams robbed of me
And myself still searching for the soul that lost
In the vagaries of love showered up on me.
I spat in loneliness secretly with myself,
With days and months preventing the January to happen
As I am helpless to keep myseIf in me
To discover the lost ways together we built.
Be not renegate, oh my love, the promises
thee made,
Bring back the January to discover me.
Dreaming in despair is the greenery far behind.
Bring back the Januaryr with its marvellous dew.


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